Who We Are
“McKees exists to get approvals that maximise the development potential. We communicate clearly, facilitate effectively, negotiate strongly and advocate wholeheartedly.”
We are a specialist planning, development and environmental law firm who for 25 years’ have been advising Councils, developers and all others who have ‘issues’ with their local Council. We enjoy the breadth and depth of our relationships with Councils, consultants and our clients. Our stable and experienced Planning and Development Lawyers Sydney team deliver the right advice at the right time, and at the right price.
We advise on all areas that relate or touch on property and specialise as solicitor advocate in the Land and Environment Court. We know and understand how to apply and interpret the laws relating to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, The Heritage Act and Threatened Species Conservation Act. Every day we advise on planning laws including State Environmental Planning Policies, promoting seniors living, affordable rental housing and how to relate to Council’s Local Environmental Plans.
It’s our knowledge and experience dealing with thousands of cases and advising clients in all manner of circumstances that gives us confidence that we can assist you to obtain the best outcome and advise on your ‘real’ prospects of success.
We specialise in providing strategic planning advice and carrying out feasibilities before the property is purchased or a Development Application is lodged with Council. We enjoy engaging with local Councils early to assist our clients in both the pre-lodgement process and resolving outstanding issues raised by Council. We have particular expertise in advising you on the opportunity to maximise development potential set out in the Seniors Living, The Codes and Affordable Rental Housing State Environmental Planning Policies. We regularly advise accredited certifiers and our knowledge and ability to assist you extends from pre purchase advice to obtaining occupation and subdivision certificates.
McKees has developed a particular personality, which is ‘the way we do things together’. Our point of difference is that we contribute energy, ideas, always intentionally and thoughtfully progressing your matter towards an approval or resolution. We value above all else strong ongoing relationships with all so together we can deliver benefits to everyone we work with.
Our Team...
We are energised by every matter we take on. When you entrust us with your matter, we will always bring our four core skills:
Communicate Clearly
It is the way we communicate and talk to people that helps us to build relationships with Council staff, Councillors, the community, experts, other lawyers and the Land and Environment Court that ultimately leads to approvals. 25 years of listening, responding, communicating and solving issues has given McKees the skills to represent you and get the job done. We believe that clear communication is rare, undervalued and is an outcome of a clear strategy. However, it is undoubtedly the key to achieving the best outcome.
Facilitate effectively
As environmental planning lawyers, strategic advice is critical. To determine the appropriate strategy requires a leader that understands all aspects of development to draw out the right information from the client and the experts involved. Listening skills, experience and practical knowledge allows us to get the best out of your experts to present the development to the Council panel or Court in just the right way.
Negotiate strongly
Negotiation skills are a real strength of the McKees Team. We aim and work towards obtaining approvals at Council avoiding the legal process altogether. The focus of the Land and Environment Court on alternative dispute resolution avenues, such as s34 and s34AA Conciliation Conferences, has radically changed the number of hearings McKees clients are required to endure. We have an excellent record of avoiding contested hearings, with their associated risks, through persuasive and effective negotiation during Council’s assessment period and at the conciliation stages.
Advocate wholeheartedly
The McKees Team have been advocates in the Land and Environment Court for over 25 years, completing in the order of a thousand cases acting as a solicitor advocate. We offer advocacy services at all stages of the environmental and planning processes, whether it be a pre-lodgement meeting, specific issue meeting with Council Staff and experts, or as more regularly occurs, during a s34 Conciliation Conference process.